Inconvenient Truth of Electric Vehicle
No Lithium
No Charging Station
Too Expensive Battery
Lithium Exists in Ocean?
It is often said that ocean contains large amount of Lithium.
However, Lithium resource in whole ocean is only 250 billion tones. In contract,magnesium resource is 1.8 quadrillion tones.
Getting 1 billion tones of Lithium needs 1/250 of whole sea water on Earth. This corresponds to 30 m depth of Pacific Ocean !!
Charging Problem
Electric Vehicle can run 600km with 100kWh battery. If we charge this battery within 1 minute like gasoline pumping, however, we need electricity of 6MW. Consider 1 house uses 10kW at peak, this corresponds to electricity of 600 houses. Once all the charging stations spontaneously charge EV, we meet tremendous fluctuation of electricity supply.
It is said that when battery is
improved, charging time should
be very short within a minute
and there would be no problem
of charging. However, real
problem is not for battery
but for electric power supply.
Why we need Yabe Magnesium Battery for EV
On-Board Magnesium Battery can Charge the Lithium Battery during Crusing
Yabe Magnesium battery provides 1.5kWh/kg . For 100kWh, 67kg magnesium is used. If the lithium battery is charged with 20kW during 5 hhours, magnesium battery size will be 56cmx72cmx80cm which can be installed in the trunk of the car.